TESTO PRO DEPOT 250 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Enanthanate - 250mg
    Oil Base - q.s
  • Storage:
    Protect from light.
    Store at room temperature.
    Do not refrigerate.
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not but the product if seal is damaged.
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

SUSTA PRO 250 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Testosterone Propionate - 30mg USP
    Testosterone Phenylpropionate - 60mg
    Testosterone Isocaproate - 60mg
    Testosterone Decanoate - 100mg
    Oil Base - q.s
  • Storage:
    Protect from light.
    Store at room temperature.
    Do not refrigerate.
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.li>

PROP PRO 100 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Propionate - 100mg USP
    Oil Base - q.s
  • Storage:
    Protect from light.
    Store at room temperature.
    Do not refrigerate.
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

BOLD PRO 200 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Undecylenate - 200mg USP
    Oil Base - q.s
  • Storage:
    Protect from light.
    Store at room temperature.
    Do not refrigerate.
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

TREN A PRO 200 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Acetate -100mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Storage:
    Protect from light.
    Store at room temperature.
    Do not refrigerate.
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

TREXA PRO 76.5 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Acetate -100mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Storage:
    Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - 76.5 mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

DECLAN PRO 200 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Deconate - 200mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Storage:
    Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - 76.5 mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

PRIMO PRO 100 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Enanthanate - 100mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Storage:
    Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - 76.5 mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

MASTRA PRO 100 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Propionate - 100mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Storage:
    Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - 76.5 mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

STANZO PRO 50 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Suspension - 50mg
    Sterile Water - q.s
  • Storage:
    Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - 76.5 mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

CYPO PRO 250 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Cypionate - 250mg USP
    Oil Base q.s
  • Storage:
    Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - 76.5 mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

TREN PRO DEPTO 200 (multidose Vial 10ml)

  • Each Tablet Contains:
    Enanthanate - 200mg USP
    Oild Base - q.s
  • Storage:
    Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - 76.5 mg USP
    Oil Base -q.s
  • Dosage:
    As direct by the physician
  • Warning:
    Do not buy the product if seal is damaged
    Do not use the product if solution is not clear.

Is your product real? How do you verify?

We have product security codes for all products. You can perform product safety and actual product verification.